Still podcasting! In my next two episodes, I interview a friend and colleague from a long time ago- we both attended seminary together and mostly kept in touch through social media until recently when she started sharing more of her story and I reached out because I felt it was important for people to hear. Michelle is gifted intellectually and has advanced degrees in education and theology- and is passionate about supporting the growth of students and organizations through narrative.
More and more I’m interacting with people who are actively working on moving away from evangelicalism and trying to make sense of their deep faith and spirituality “outside” of evangelicalism’s boundaries- which- if you understand the “in vs. out” paradigm, can be pretty terrifying.
It has been on my heart to share more of my own “unchurching” and the discovery of a faith that is far grander than I could have ever imagined. I also want to share conversations that I have with friends and colleagues about their journeys, too, in an effort to let people know who are questioning their faith and their involvement in evangelicalism that they are not alone. That growth doesn’t mean you are abandoning others. That growth doesn’t mean you are losing your faith. That growth can mean leaving the church to find more of Jesus.
In this episode, Michelle and I dive right into the deep end of faith in a discussion about her experience with Exodus Ministries- how and why she joined- how and why she left- and how she is hoping to support churches in transitioning towards becoming inclusive and affirming. She courageously shares her very intimate journey of faith, sexuality, and healing.
To hear our conversation, please visit my podcast page: Podcast